Accentuates and accentuating: to emphasise or highlight a particular detail or aspect.
Accepts and accepting: to agree to or acknowledge something.
Achieves and achieving: to successfully bring about or reach a desired outcome.
Adopts and adopting: to take on or accept an idea, strategy, or way of thinking.
Advocates and advocating: to support or argue for something.
Affects and affecting: to influence something or someone.
Alleviates and alleviating: to lessen or reduce something, often a problem or discomfort.
Allows and allowing: to give permission or make possible.
Alludes and alluding: to refer to something indirectly or subtly.
Alters and altering: to change or modify something.
Analyses and analysing: to examine in detail, often to understand or explain.
Approaches and approaching: to come near or examine a subject in a particular way.
Argues and arguing: to present reasoning or evidence for or against something.
Ascertains and ascertaining: to determine or establish something with certainty.
Assesses and assessing: to evaluate or judge the value, quality, or significance of something.
Assumes and assuming: to accept something as true without proof.
Attacks and attacking: to criticise or challenge something or someone harshly.
Attempts and attempting: to make an effort to achieve or reach something.
Attributes and attributing: to regard something as being caused by or belonging to a particular source.
Avoids and avoiding: to deliberately keep away from or prevent something.
Bases and basing: to establish or ground something on a particular idea or principle.
Believes and believing: to accept something as true, often without evidence.
Centralises and centralising: to bring activities, power, or control under a central authority or location.
Challenges and challenging: to dispute or question the validity of something.
Changes and changing: to make or become different, often in an argument or position.
Characterises and characterising: to describe the distinctive qualities or features of something.
Chooses and choosing: to select or decide on something.
Chronicles and chronicling: to record or describe events in order of occurrence.
Claims and claiming: to state something as a fact, often without proof.
Comments and commenting: to express an opinion or provide feedback on something.
Compares and comparing: to examine two or more elements to highlight similarities or differences.
Compels and compelling: to force or drive someone to act in a certain way.
Completes and completing: to bring something to a state of perfection or fulfillment.
Concerns and concerning: to relate to or be about a particular issue or subject.
Concludes and concluding: to bring something to an end or draw a final decision or judgment.
Condone and condoning: to accept or allow behaviour that is morally wrong or offensive without criticism or punishment.
Conducts and conducting: to carry out or direct an activity, study, or investigation.
Conforms and conforming: to comply or adjust to a standard, rule, or idea.
Confronts and confronting: to face or challenge directly.
Connotes and connoting: to suggest or imply a meaning or idea beyond the literal definition.
Considers and considering: to think carefully about something, especially before making a decision.
Contends and contending: to argue or assert something in a dispute or debate.
Contests and contesting: to challenge or dispute something, often in a formal setting.
Contrasts and contrasting: to compare two or more elements to highlight differences.
Contributes and contributing: to provide input, ideas, or support to a particular cause or effort.
Conveys and conveying: to communicate or express an idea, feeling, or message.
Convinces and convincing: to persuade someone to believe or do something.
Defines and defining: to state or explain the meaning of something.
Demonise and demonising: to portray someone or something as wicked or demonic, typically in a way that is exaggerated or unfair.
Defies and defying: to openly resist or refuse to obey something or someone.
Demonstrates and demonstrating: to show or explain something clearly through examples or actions.
Denotes and denoting: to indicate or represent something directly; to have a specific, explicit meaning.
Depicts and depicting: to represent or portray something in a particular way, often visually or descriptively.
Describes and describing: to provide a detailed account of something, often with sensory details.
Delineates and delineating: to describe or portray something precisely, often highlighting boundaries or details.
Details and detailing: to describe something thoroughly, often focusing on specific aspects or elements.
Determines and determining: to establish or conclude something after analysis or investigation.
Develops and developing: to grow or evolve something, often gradually, into a more advanced form.
Deviates and deviating: to stray from an established path, norm, or argument.
Differentiates and differentiating: to distinguish or show the differences between two or more things.
Differs and differing: to be unlike or dissimilar to something else.
Directs and directing: to guide or manage something or someone toward a specific goal or objective.
Discovers and discovering: to find or uncover something, often for the first time.
Discusses and discussing: to talk about or examine a subject in detail.
Displays and displaying: to present or show something in a visible way.
Disputes and disputing: to argue against or contest the validity of something.
Disrupts and disrupting: to interrupt or cause disorder in an established system or process.
Distinguishes and distinguishing: to recognise or mark differences between two or more things.
Distorts and distorting: to twist or misrepresent something, often to alter its original meaning or form.
Downplays and downplaying: to minimise the importance or significance of something.
Dramatises and dramatising: to exaggerate or present something in an overly emotional or theatrical way.
Elevates and elevating: to raise something to a higher level or status, often in terms of importance.
Elicits and eliciting: to draw out a response, reaction, or answer from someone.
Emphasises and emphasising: to give special importance or attention to something.
Encounters and encountering: to meet or come into contact with something or someone, often unexpectedly.
Endorses and endorsing: to approve, support, or recommend something or someone publicly.
Enhances and enhancing: to improve or make something better.
Enriches and enriching: to improve the quality or value of something, often by adding new or valuable elements.
Enumerates and enumerating: to list or count something one by one, or to specify things in order.
Envisions and envisioning: to imagine or visualise something in the future or as a possibility.
Epitomise and epitomising: to be a perfect example or representation of a particular quality or type.
Evinces and evincing: to show or demonstrate clearly; to reveal or express (a feeling or quality).
Evokes and evoking: to bring something to mind or elicit a particular response or feeling.
Excludes and excluding: to intentionally leave something out or not consider it.
Exemplifies and exemplifying: to illustrate or clarify something by providing an example; to serve as an example of.
Expands and expanding: to increase in size, scope, or detail.
Experiences and experiencing: to undergo or be exposed to something, often in a personal or direct way.
Explains and explaining: to make something clear or easy to understand.
Explores and exploring: to investigate, study, or examine something in detail, often to uncover new information or understand it better.
Exposes and exposing: to reveal something hidden, often something that is unpleasant or damaging, or to make something known.
Expresses and expressing: to convey thoughts, feelings, or ideas in words or actions.
Extends and extending: to stretch or lengthen something, often beyond its original limits or scope.
Extrapolates and extrapolating: to infer or predict something based on existing data or trends.
Extols and extoling: to praise highly and enthusiastically.
Fantasises and fantasising: to imagine or dream about something, often in a fantastical or idealized way.
Focuses and focusing: to concentrate or direct attention toward something specific.
Forces and forcing: to impose or compel something to happen, often against resistance.
Foreshadows and foreshadowing: to suggest or hint at an event or development before it happens.
Functions and functioning: to work or operate in a particular way or for a particular purpose.
Generalises and generalising: to make broad statements or conclusions based on limited examples or evidence.
Guides and guiding: to lead or direct someone or something toward a particular outcome.
Heightens and heightening: to increase or intensify the degree or impact of something.
Highlights and highlighting: to emphasise or bring attention to a key element or detail.
Hints and hinting: to suggest or imply something in an indirect way.
Holds and holding: to maintain or preserve something in a particular state or form.
Honours and honouring: to regard or treat someone or something with great respect or admiration.
Identifies and identifying: to recognize or establish the identity or nature of something.
Illustrates and illustrating: to explain or make something clear by providing examples or visual representation.
Illuminates and illuminating: to provide insight into something, often making it clearer or more understandable.
Imagines and imagining: to form a mental image or conception of something not present or real.
Impels and impelling: to drive or force someone or something to act or move in a particular direction.
Implies and implying: to suggest or hint at something without directly stating it.
Includes and including: to make something part of a whole or consider something as part of a larger group.
Indicates and indicating: to point out or suggest something as a sign, symptom, or result.
Infers and inferring: to deduce or conclude information from evidence or reasoning rather than direct statements.
Inspires and inspiring: to fill someone with the urge or ability to do something creative or positive.
Intends and intending: to have a specific purpose or goal in mind.
Interprets and interpreting: to explain the meaning or significance of something, especially in a different context.
Interrupts and interrupting: to stop or hinder an ongoing action or flow of conversation.
Inundates and inundating: to overwhelm or flood with a large quantity of something.
Inverts and inverting: to reverse the position, order, or condition of something; to turn something upside down or inside out.
Justifies and justifying: to provide reasons or arguments in support of something, often to defend its rightness.
Juxtaposes and juxtaposing: to place two or more things together for comparison or contrast, often highlighting differences.
Lambasts and lambasting: to criticise or reprimand someone or something severely.
Laments and lamenting: to express sorrow, grief, or regret over something.
Lampoons and lampooning: to mock or ridicule something in a humorous or satirical way.
Lists and listing: to enumerate or describe items in a sequential or organized manner.
Maintains and maintaining: to keep something in a certain state or condition; to assert or affirm something.
Makes and making: to create, produce, or cause something to happen.
Manages and managing: to oversee or control the operation or functioning of something.
Manipulates and manipulating: to control or influence something or someone, often in a skilful but deceptive manner.
Marginalise and marginalising: to treat someone or something as insignificant or peripheral; to push to the edges of society or a situation.
Minimises and minimising: to reduce the importance, size, or degree of something.
Moralises and moralising: to express opinions about what is right or wrong, often in a self-righteous manner.
Muses and musing: to reflect or ponder thoughtfully, often in a contemplative or philosophical way.
Notes and noting: to observe or record something with attention.
Observes and observing: to look at or study something carefully and with attention to detail.
Opposes and opposing: to resist or act in opposition to something.
Organises and organising: to arrange or structure something in a systematic or orderly manner.
Overstates and overstating: to exaggerate or make something seem more significant than it is.
Outlines and outlining: to give a summary or general overview of something, often in key points.
Patronises and patronising: to treat someone in a way that seems kind but betrays a sense of superiority.
Performs and performing: to carry out an action, task, or function.
Permits and permitting: to allow something to happen or to give permission for it.
Personifies and personifying: to attribute human characteristics to non-human things or abstract concepts.
Persuades and persuading: to convince someone to believe or do something through reasoning or argument.
Ponders and pondering: to think deeply about something, often in a reflective or uncertain manner.
Portrays and portraying: to depict or represent someone or something in a particular way.
Postulates and postulating: to assume or suggest the truth of something, often as a basis for further argument or investigation.
Prepares and preparing: to get something ready or set for an event or purpose.
Presents and presenting: to offer or show something, often in a formal or structured way.
Presumes and presuming: to assume something to be true based on probability or common sense.
Produces and producing: to create or bring something into existence.
Projects and projecting: to predict or estimate something based on current data or trends.
Promotes and promoting: to encourage or advance something, often through public support or advertising.
Proposes and proposing: to put forward an idea or suggestion for consideration.
Provides and providing: to make available or supply something to someone.
Qualifies and qualifying: to modify or limit something, often in terms of its applicability or scope.
Questions and questioning: to inquire or ask about something, often to probe for more information.
Rationalises and rationalising: to offer logical but often self-serving explanations for behaviour or decisions.
Reasons and reasoning: to think logically or systematically in support of a conclusion or argument.
Recalls and recalling: to remember or bring something back to mind.
Recites and reciting: to repeat or list something, often from memory or a prepared script.
Recollects and recollecting: to recall or bring to mind something from the past.
Records and recording: to document or capture something, often in writing or electronically.
Recounts and recounting: to tell or describe in detail an event or experience.
Reflects and reflecting: to think deeply or consider something carefully.
Refers and referring: to mention or direct attention to something.
Regards and regarding: to consider or think about something in a certain way.
Rejects and rejecting: to refuse to accept, believe, or consider something.
Represents and representing: to stand for or symbolize something; to act on behalf of someone or something.
Results and resulting: to come about as a consequence of something.
Reveals and revealing: to make something known or visible that was previously hidden or unknown.
Ridicules and ridiculing: to mock or make fun of something or someone.
Satirises and satirising: to mock or criticize something through humour, often to expose flaws or vices.
Scrutinise and scrutinising: to examine something closely and thoroughly, often to detect flaws or details.
Seems and seeming: to give the impression of being or appearing in a particular way.
Selects and selecting: to choose or pick out something from a set of options.
Specifies and specifying: to state or explain something clearly and in detail.
Speculates and speculating: to form a theory or conjecture without sufficient evidence.
States and stating: to express or declare something clearly and definitively.
Strives and striving: to make great efforts or work hard toward a particular goal.
Substantiate and substantiating: to provide evidence or proof to support a claim or argument.
Subvert and subverting: to undermine the authority or power of an established practice or system.
Suggests and suggesting: to propose or recommend an idea or course of action.
Summarises and summarising: to give a brief overview or condensed version of something.
Supplies and supplying: to provide or make available something that is needed.
Supports and supporting: to back up or advocate for something or someone.
Suppresses and suppressing: to prevent or inhibit something from being expressed or revealed.
Symbolises and symbolising: to represent or stand for something else, often an abstract concept.
Sympathises and sympathising: to feel or express compassion or understanding for someone’s situation.
Traces and tracing: to follow or outline the development or course of something.
Undermine and undermining: to weaken or damage something gradually or covertly; to subvert or erode the foundation of something.
Underscores and underscoring: to draw a line under a word or phrase for emphasise or stress the importance of something.
Understands and understanding: to grasp the meaning, significance, or nature of something.
Unveil and unveiling: the act of revealing or disclosing something that was previously hidden or unknown, often as a formal presentation or announcement.
Vacillates and vacillating: to be indecisive or change one’s mind frequently.
Values and valuing: to regard something as important or beneficial.
Verifies and verifying: to check or confirm the truth, accuracy, or validity of something.